To: All Benefit Eligible Qualico Steel Company, Inc. Employees

Date:  May, 2015

Re:  2015 BC/BS Health Insurance & Healthcare Reform


Qualico Steel is proud to announce that we will once again hold your cost for BC/BS health insurance at this year’s open enrollment.  2015 will mark the 14th straight year we have been able to hold rates on our group medical and dental plan for our employees and families.  This many years of a rate hold is unprecedented in this healthcare market, and is truly a testament to the hard work and effort of our staff and all our employees and family members.  We have found that being educated consumers of our healthcare have allowed us all to control costs.

In 2015, The “Employer Mandate” began, which in essence requires large employers (us) to offer coverage to their full time employees that meets minimum values and is affordable.  We want everyone to know that the Qualico Steel Company, Inc. Group Health Plan meets and exceeds all of these requirements set forth by this law and has for many, many years. We intend to continue to offer you a competitive and quality employee benefit package for being part of our team.

Effective June 1, 2015, we will be making a few changes to our plan primarily due to changes from healthcare reform.  The following changes will apply June 1st to our medical plan:

It is important to note that the Qualico Steel Company, Inc. group medical plan meets minimum essential values and is affordable per healthcare reform.  Therefore, you need to consider your healthcare options carefully for 2015 as we move into open enrollment.  Enrollment in our plan will meet the individual mandate requirements that all Americans have coverage or pay a tax.

Qualico Steel is committed to our employees and their families and intend on providing competitive employee benefits that support you and your family’s health and wellness—today and in the future.  Please look for further information detailing our 2015 employee benefit open enrollment.

JoAnnette Feltman

Director of Human Resources